Overnight Camping
You can camp at our show both Friday and Saturday night.
Camping pitch tickets are per vehicle staying overnight in addition to your adult entry show tickets and pitches are STRICTLY 6m x 6m in size.
Friday Night Arrival is only available by prebooking.
You can only get in to the camping area on the Friday night if you have prebooked. There are no exceptions to this. We do this to ensure those that have prebooked but can only come for Saturday camping can get in to the space they've reserved when they turn up Saturday morning.
We are not in the business of letting everyone in regardless Friday night at the expense of those who ahve booked in advance.
Book Your Space
Click here to get your tickets
Any remaining camping spaces after prebooking closes will be available on the Saturday first come first served until we are full.
Club Camping
Club camping is by prior arrangement only for established clubs.
Don't make up a club name for your mates to get an area reserved, that doesn't work.
We are, as always, working with club representatives from Suffolk Bugrs, Tea & Tarts, Spooky, Splitterz, SX Dub Club, Herts, Dub-It, Kentish and The Late Bay.
Get your club representative to contact us to be included.
Please let us know if your club is party-based or family-based so we know whether to put you in the noisier or quieter bit.
The Rules!
Camping pitches are 6m x 6m STRICT!
Space is at a premium at the Elemental show site. 6m x 6m is a reasonable space into which a camper and an awning and so forth can fit. If you need more than 6m x 6m just buy an extra pitch.
Pitch size is STRICT
If you turn up with anything that won't fit into the pitch space you have booked, you'll be taking it home again. Sorry but we have had people quite frankly taking the p*** in the past so we have adopted a ZERO TOLERANCE policy on this.
Prebooked Friday night campers can arrive on Friday from 4.00pm
Don't try turning up Friday night without a ticket expecting to get in. It's not going to happen.
The gate will close at 11.00pm sharp Friday night, no exceptions.
We will have been working on site for 16 hours by then with a 6am start and show day ahead of us, we need a bit of downtime.
Prebooked Saturday night campers can arrive on Saturday from 8.00am
If for some reason you can't get to the show until later in the day Saturday and you have a prebooked camping ticket don't worry you'll still get in. There will be space for you to camp, at the very worst you'll be able to camp in the show arena when the display cars have emptied out, with probably more space to spread out than the folk that turned up early.
Please vacate the site by 1.00pm Sunday
We're all volunteers and we have to clean up and go back to work on the Monday, if you're gone by 1.00pm that makes it a lot easier for the crew to get the job done and get home for that well earned bath or shower, thanks.